Case Studies

World Peace Group Session – April 7, 2016

On April 7, 2016 Scalar Heart Connection hosted a World Peace Webinar. The purpose of the group session was to ask our collective heart to give us insight into areas of our lives and inner-self that are not 100% aligned with inner or outer peace. It was an opportunity for people to come together on this important topic so we can fully resonate with the peace we want to experience in the world. The Scalar Heart Connection process helps us…

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World Peace Group Session – March 10, 2016

On March 10, 2016 Scalar Heart Connection hosted a World Peace Webinar. The purpose of the group session was to ask our collective heart to give us insight into areas of our lives and inner-self that are not 100% aligned with inner or outer peace. It was an opportunity for people to come together on this important topic so we can fully resonate with the peace we want to experience in the world. The group felt that they were being…

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the Heart

Ron wanted to have a Scalar Heart Connection session so he could ask his heart about his relationship with his daughter and also about his marriage. Ron asked his heart to show him a number related to the chakra emotional center holding the discordant resonant pattern around the Issue with his wife and daughter. His heart showed him the number corresponding to the Heart Chakra. The Quantum Healing Code Archetypal Pattern for the Heart Chakra is #528. This pattern places…

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World Peace Group Session – Feb 11, 2016

On February 11, 2016 Scalar Heart Connection hosted a World Peace Webinar. The purpose of the group session was to ask our collective heart to give us insight into areas of our lives and inner-self that are not 100% aligned with inner or outer peace. It was an opportunity for people to come together on this important topic so we can fully resonate with the peace we want to experience in the world.  The group felt that structural things in…

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How Tension and Chronic Illness is Passed Down through the Family Tree

Damien wanted to do a Scalar Heart Connection session around the psoriasis he has on his legs. He asked his heart to show him a number one through seven in order to identify the emotional center holding the Issue of his psoriasis. His heart showed him the number related to the Root chakra. The Quantum Healing Code Archetypal Pattern #396 of the Root chakra places the deeper context of the Issue in the lower mind, where we can become caught…

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The Consciousness of Slavery: A Group Session with Family Constellations

By Stephen Linsteadt with Simone Arrojo  My wife and I arrived in Sao Paulo, Brasil to teach a Scalar Heart Connection workshop on the weekend that happened to be the celebration of National Black Consciousness Day (Dia da Consciencia Negra). We were staying at a hotel on Avenida Paulista, which was also the route of the parade or march for Black Consciousness Day scheduled for that weekend. The day is a holiday in over 5,500 cities in Brasil, where over…

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A Child Turns Blue

By Maria Elena Boekemeyer At a recent healing festival I attended, a girl in her late teens stopped by. She was accompanied by six-year-old Rose. The two girls met at the festival. “Rose is sad,” the older girl told me. “But she won’t say why.” Rose, a skinny girl with blonde hair, stood in front of me with her smile turned upside-down and staring to the ground. “Do you know what happens when we stay sad for too long?” Rose…

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Clearing Father’s War Trauma

Charlene wanted to have a Scalar Heart Connection session because she felt uninspired and disconnected from her passion and purpose. Charlene’s heart directed her to the Crown Chakra and to the Emotion of “Meaning and Purpose.” The Quantum Healing Code Archetypal Pattern for the Crown Chakra is 8-5-2. This pattern informs us that at a deeper level Charlene’s Issue is a calling to transform personal desire into desire for the common good of the group or global community (8th house).…

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Resolving Relationship Conflicts – Part 3

Elaine wanted to follow up on the relationship session she had with her husband John (see Part 1). Specifically, she wanted to have a Scalar Heart Connection session around the Issue of creativity and self expression, which she said was blocked. She said, “Out of fear of rejection I express to others an image of being small. I want to free myself.” Elaine’s heart directed her to the Brow chakra and the Quantum Healing Code Archetypal Pattern 7-4-1. The archetypal…

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Resolving Relationship Conflicts – Part 2

John wanted to follow up on the relationship session he had with his wife Elaine (see Part I). Specifically, he wanted to have a Scalar Heart Connection session around the Issue of being slow to change.  He said he had just completed a session in which his grandmother came up in the Genetic/Ancestral section. The Negative Mind Resistance at the end of that session with his grandmother was “If I change I will die.” John thought the aspect of his…

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