Scalar Heart Connection is a step-by-step process
that you can access on your computer or cell phone.

The matrix helps you to tap into the wisdom
of your own heart so you can
receive answers to your problems
that are right to the point.


For professionals or anyone who wants to use the matrix of the heart to upgrade subconscious and ancestral belief systems. Harness the power of your heart and mind to transform your reality.
Reconnect with the essence of yourself. Access infinite intuition, inspiration,
peace, and clarity.


Discover the shorter, everyday version of this paradigm changing technology to help you evolve into the person you want to be. Strengthen your relationships with others and the partner you want to attract.
Tapping into your heart’s innate knowing will help you powerfully shift your worldview into an uplifting approach to life. Ask your heart to guide you through your problems.

Personal Transformation

Tapping into your heart’s innate knowing will help you powerfully shift your worldview into an uplifting approach to life. Ask your heart to guide you through your problems.

Help your clients tap into the infinite wisdom of their own heart
to empower them to flow through life
with superlative self-mastery in all areas of their lives.
What they say about us

I have been searching my whole adult life looking for answers and after meeting you and Maria Elena and your work I really feel I can finally let go of searching. Thanks to you and Maria Elena for bringing this work to us. I feel like there is nothing better for looking for answers and resolutions within my own divine heart and getting into sync with nature and the universe. How much better does it get than that?

~ Leann, Idaho

Leann, Idaho

Your presentation of ideas and concepts thread through time in antiquity. I have yet to come across someone whose work is so comprehensive, integrated, and palatable for all. This is the kind of integration of ideas I believe is being called for to connect – connect us all. If in fact, we are all connected and “it is” all connected, your work ties this together beautifully from both a science and faith perspective. To me, this bridge, this rainbow bridge, is integral at this time. When we ‘see’ the big picture, we are able to have full perspective bridging time and space and all matter/matters. On behalf of humanity (whether they see it or not), thank you from the bottom of my heart for the work you do & have done. This is the great work.

~ Patricia Streloff, WA

Patricia Streloff, WA

I thought Stephen’s presentation was moving, informative, and most certainly novel. Stephen was warm, engaging, and clearly knows his stuff! I think the mini sessions were the highlight for me without a doubt. I did find my rational/logical/skeptical mind creeping in at times, attempting to pick apart certain aspects of his formula, but I think that part of me was quieted by the actual experience. Almost as though I could feel the truth in his work in a concrete way that overpowered the part of me that wanted to evaluate. I drove home feeling quite inspired and hopeful about the prospect of getting deeper into this soon, and realizing I could work it into my therapeutic approach.

~ Mark Laisure, Co-Host, The Life Changes Show, Los Angeles

Mark Laisure, Co-Host, The Life Changes Show, Los Angeles

The tools provided in this training are priceless and I cannot even begin to describe the bounty of gifts you will receive by becoming a Scalar Heart Facilitator. I have had clients use these tools who have lost over 70 pounds and who have transformed their financial situations from lack to abundance. I use these awesome tools on my clients and on myself and am consistently amazed with the great results.

~ Dorothy Lee Donahue

Dorothy Lee Donahue, Founder of Energetic Alchemy and the Executive Producer of The LIFE CHANGES Show

“Wow! I just feel supported. There is this feeling of well-being that I hadn’t recognized before.”

~ Rob Spears, Conscious Talk Radio

Rob Spears, Conscious Talk Radio

“The session I had with you shifted my level of happiness. There was more spring in my step. There was a higher sense of well-being. I felt happier even with a lot of things that are going on in my life. I was still able to carry that vibration.”

~ Brenda Michaels, Conscious Talk Radio

Brenda Michaels, Conscious Talk Radio

“I feel wonderful today, So much strength and courage and excitement for what I am doing and creating again! I’m feeling my self love be stronger and more vibrant today and honestly am super excited for the cutting of the cords idea for many things!! I thank you again for the amazing session!!”

~ Amber, Colorado

Amber, Colorado

“I have had the honor of working with Stephen Linsteadt on three separate occasions using the Scalar Heart Connection modality. Each time I have experienced both subtle and profound energetic shifts in my overall functioning. Moreover, with each session I have noticed progressive movement toward the release of long-held emotional patterns. There is one session that I recall in September 2011 in which I was experiencing physical symptoms related to my throat (thyroid imbalance, sore throats, and hoarseness) as well as related feelings of sadness. In the session that day, it came up that I hadn’t been speaking up for myself both personally or professionally. The Scalar Heart Connection session identified the underlying body memory and negative mind-brain conditioning as the result of a car accident in childhood that took the lives of my family members, except for my mother and me. A tracheotomy saved my life. My head told me I needed to hold on to the past as a way of honoring my family. My heart told me I needed to resonate with ‘positive separation.’ My heart also asked me to replace the vibration of guilt with, “I live comfortably in limbo.” The positive heart message I needed was “I am positively separated from the past and I can now speak my truth.” My ability to express my inner thoughts, feelings, and desires without hesitation has dramatically improved as a result of this session.”

~ Ruth, Santa Fe

Ruth, Santa Fe

“This stuff really is a ticket…at least it was for me. This session helped me to dig deep to the core of my issue, to release it back to love, and free my heart from the bondage it has experienced for far too long. I am free and radiant, thank you Laura, and Stephen! So Much Love!”

~ Dawntrix Marie Kerry, Auburn CA

Dawntrix Marie Kerry, Auburn CA

“Scalar Heart Connection is related to the Power of Now. The process helps you leave your ego/regret self behind that only focuses on the past and shifts negative beliefs that keep you worrying about the future, so you are more able to be fully present in the moment.”

~ Joni


“I had a Scalar Heart Connection session with Stephen. It has been very good. It pushed me to areas where I had repeatedly refused to go or found excuses not to go….Of course because it is what I most dreaded to have to do. It feels like a chasm in front of me. letting go of what I am most attached to and I realize it is the emotion more than the person although it presents itself as a person… and I feel like a traitor or like running away from what I should be doing…
“I am very thankful and now I just have to do it if I want to have a new life. I send you lots of love and want to express my gratitude for everything you have done for me.”

~ Chantal


“I have now been listening to the Scalar Heart Connection recording for almost 2 weeks. By listening and visualising, I have noticed many improvements, not only in the quality of my sleep, but also in my ability to practice and apply my energy modality tools and achieve positive results. For whatever reason you choose to listen to it, this recording is worth every penny and more. The technology is beautifully assembled to create a wonderful and worthwhile listening experience. Highly recommended.”

~ Ewa Andalucia, Spain

Ewa Andalucia, Spain

“Wow! I received my CD on Scalar Heart yesterday and used it for the first time last night. I don’t believe I have ever felt so good. Thank you for this.”

~ TJ Johnson

TJ Johnson

“Firstly, I would like to place on record that I truly enjoyed this workshop. To give one overview of the class would not be warranted for the readers, as many subjects were covered and my comments would not give their presentations the justice they deserved. Stephen’s explanation of the sub atomic particles and the aspect of our body as energy really took on new meaning. The greatest gem from this amazing day was the repatterning that Stephen developed on the Scalar Heart Connection for physical health and vitality. I truly believe that implementing this and the modality of scalar waves is an opportunity for huge growth potential.”

~ Michael Gunko, South Africa

Michael Gunko, South Africa

“The tone was set when Stephen reminded us that at the fundamental sub-atomic level of our being, we are only energy and we carry within us the Source energy of which we are all a part. The entire day was a lesson in how the flow of this energy within, between, and around the cells of our physical/cellular structure determines our state of wellness. The “aha” for me in this was a clear, no-nonsense presentation on the intricate electrical interaction of the cells and how it all works together for our heath. I was particularly impressed by the explanation of the Scalar Heart Connection and the invitation to “move the energy potential into action through our intention.” I highly recommend reading their book, The Heart of Health for a deeper understanding of this field of unlimited potential which can be directed for healing ourselves and others. I was also delighted to see how HR is used in their work and combined with scalar wave amplification for the healing of their patients. I found this seminar to be informative and inspirational and I experienced it as supportive of life on all levels.”

~ Jennifer Johnson, ARNP, Washington

Jennifer Johnson, ARNP, Washington

“I want to tell you how much I appreciate the work you put into creating the Quantum Healing Codes. The more I use them the more I understand the power of this modality and the many effective ways to use these sounds. You did a very solid job with the booklet that accompanies the CD. The more I understand the use of the ‘codes’ and experience their effects within the sessions, the more I am able to effectively teach others their value and how to use these with skill and understanding. I use the QHCs a lot in my sessions in the South Bronx. The effort you put into creating these for all of us is very much appreciated and will in time be significant in helping many many people. The power of these sounds will become known and understood and used more and more within our HR sessions, I’m sure! Continue to share your gifts with us! I’ve been wanting to write for a long time to thank you for these and for your articles which has helped to make the Journal a much more substantial publication. Be well”

~ Michelle


“I need to tell you that José, the bedwetting one, has gone nearly 2 weeks without wetting his bed since a session with quantum healing codes # 5 and a strict intake of usanimals. Thank you a lot for the advice. Hope he continues that way, he is also happier, I’m really grateful with all what I learned that weekend. I’m looking forward to take the workshop.”

~ Adriana


“I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude and thanks for the Scalar Heart Session I received from Stephen. It has changed my ability to cope and the feelings around my mother’s death so completely. I am feeling so different now. You just made a world of difference for me and I appreciate you so much.”

~ Roselsella, Sacramento

Roselsella, Sacramento

“I am beginning to feel much better, I am exercising without so much pain and discomfort afterward and I am gaining energy and a sense of well-being. Could be your “Heart of Health” CD don’t you think? I have a digital copy on my PDA and I listen to it when I have trouble going back to sleep when I awaken during the night, and I appreciate it very much.

~ Tom Mattoon

Tom Mattoon

“I just wanted to thank you, Stephen, for all that you have done for me. I didn’t really know how things would work and so I had no expectations. I am happily in shock over how well your directions have done! Night and day differences. I eagerly watch to see more in the future.”

Vallery, Grass Valley

Vallery, Grass Valley

“A practitioner played one of the tracks from the Quantum Healing Codes for me and little by little I could feel it vibrating each one of the cells of my body. This effect was intense in my brain. For 5 or 10 minutes my mind was immersed in an ocean of welfare and of calm; I was firm in the center of my same, conscious one of all my life, I was capable of understanding it all. When it finished the session, the therapist asked us to each one on the experience. I said that never have I felt like this, without the fear and the anxiety that had dominated me for a long time. During the following months the experience continued echoing in my head, as if I were still there, seated and listening to the quantum healing codes. Something very subtle and powerful caused felt me to feel strong and competent without even a gram of fear. I felt deeply optimistic and with an unknown harmony, as if I were surrounded and floating in an energy that emanated from within myself.”

Enrique Lozano

Enrique Lozano

“Scalar Heart Connection helps you look deeper into yourself. It is like a flashlight. It raises your consciousness as you do it.”

~ Dr. Michael Smith, MD


Dr. Michael Smith, MD

Gratitude God, Universe, spirituality and my heart for this weekend. Gratitude for all the answers. Gratitude to Stephen and Maria Elena for bringing this instrument of healing, which brings such a precision of what needs to be looked at. With this process, I want to help more people find inner harmony and harmony with the planet and help them access more clearly everything that is stuck and that needs to be given a place.

~ Tatiana Carvalho


I am very grateful to the Universe for giving me this amazing tool that is Scalar Heart Connection. With it I am able to make my sessions more powerful as a Systemic Constellation Facilitator, Coach, Pedagogue and Psychopedagogy. With each session I am more in love with this heart connection tool. Thank you Stephen and Maria Elena for giving us this incredible work that helps us daily in our personal lives and as therapists.

~ Vanessa Serra, Ribeirão Preto – SP, Brazil


I am very happy with my achievement! Thank you for bringing to the world this wonderful tool to guide our journey in this world! At first I did the course to improve my understanding of the phrases that came out on the App because some did not make sense to me, or when I used the App to someone else. I’m very delighted with how much the full version can go so deep in the answers. Taking the course made my eyes wide. With each session done, I see that it’s getting easier to do the next one. I found the course online good, didactic, the demonstration with Maria Elena was also important to visualize the practice.

~ Rute, Brasil

Very Happy with my Achievement

My Scalar Heart Connection session really helped me to dig deeper into things I know about myself and exposed pains and patterns deeply embedded in me. I am actually very excited to work on making some positive changes; the surgery may be over but much of my work has just begun. Thank you for creating a space where I could be vulnerable and allow myself to listen to myself. The session helped me open doors that I will continue to walk through and explore for probably the rest of my life and for that I am truly grateful. 

~ Mary – Colorado

Opening Doors

I gave you the highest marks on everything. I think this method is easy to use and really gets to the heart of the matter.   In my group, our presenting issue led us to a deeper issue.  I also like the fact that there is very little guidance from the therapist. It really comes from the person and from their heart–not their head.  What a unique opportunity to learn more and dig deeper.

~ H. Crandall

Healing Circle

Stephen’s online Scalar Heart Connection course is fantastic!
He has videotaped very clear and comprehensive classes that are full of knowledge and Wisdom.
I am a Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist, an Advanced Certified Resonance Repatterning Practitioner and a Certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor, who created Vita Yoga by Helen.
Each class has completed my understanding in so many different areas, that it blows me away.
The Loving kindness in Stephen’s guidance is so heart warming that it motivates me to use this tool when I myself spiral down, when my loved ones need help and when my clients need to ask their hearts for help. 
Scalar Heart Connection sky-rockets any other system, therapy or tool by identifying the hero’s journey and helping the person face their dragons and relinquish them, by recognizing the issue that is creating a problem, the obstacle they have to face and the action they need and are ready to take to resolve the problem. 
My fondest appreciation to Stephen for such a wonderful system accesible to anyone, for any purpose, online.
~ Helen, Mexico

Online Workshop

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