Ask Your Heart Free Online Preview Session
Enter your Issue or Problem in the box below marked “A” and follow the remaining simple steps.
Simply ask your heart to “show” you a number from each of the steps.
Your heart’s inner wisdom will inform you of your mind’s negative thinking about your problem based on early childhood conditioning and experiences.
Next, your heart will tell you the way to overcoming the negative emotion by showing you the Unmet Heart Need (what is missing from your life) and the Positive Heart Response.
The audible frequencies from the Quantum Healing Codes will help you align your thoughts and emotions with the Positive Heart Response to help you manifest a new and positive reality.
Fill out your name and email address below and try the program for free for five sessions.
If you love this quick version, you will want download the the app ‘Ask Your Heart’ (see links below).
To access the Full Practitioner Version, you will need to take the online or in-person training.