scalar heart connection

The Heart of Alchemy

The transformative art of alchemy, which sought to purify base metals into gold, has many similarities to the Scalar Heart Connection process. For example, Scalar Heart Connection provides tools for us to separate (separacio) those parts of ourselves that are afraid, anxious, depressed, etc. so we can shine the light of understanding and self-compassion on those subconscious traits, and thereby distill (purify) any negative thoughts and behaviors that hold us in limitation. Through the positive guidance from our heart, we…

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The Peacock’s Tail

The alchemical Peacock’s Tail arises from the blackened material of the five stages of the nigredo. The nigredo, or blackening stage, works on our fears and insecurities. It forces us to become more introspective about our personality and desires — the parts of us that feel lacking or undeserving. For the spiritual alchemists, the blackening was the meditator’s initial encounter with the dark inner world as consciousness leaves the physical body and the senses. This was often symbolized by the…

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Ask Your Heart about the Coronavirus

We asked our heart as a collective consciousness what we need today in order to regain harmony within. The Heart showed that we have a blockage in our Throat Chakra, which is connected to our lungs, our ability to breathe, communicate, and to express our creativity. As a collective patient, we are trapped in the emotion of sadness. It’s logical to feel this way as we watch the news of the pandemic and how the world has come to a…

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FREE Guided Meditation for Health and Light in all Your Cells.

We understand your deep concern and taking preventive measures is the best action plan for now. In our experience, recorded in our book “The Heart of Health,” we share how viruses are controlled by our own immune system by staying alkaline, drinking natural or purified water, getting enough sunlight, and practicing some body movement everyday. Don’t give in to the negative thinking that down spirals into depressed, dark matter. We can sing and tune our hearts to the heart of…

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Holding Family Secrets

Amelia wanted a Scalar Heart Connection session because she was having pain on her right side. She was waking up with pain on the right side of her neck, right foot, and sciatic. The right side of the body is often related to issues with father. Issues with the neck can involve an unwillingness to be flexible, to feel an injustice, or to feel over-burdened. Amelia’s heart showed her that the THROAT CHAKRA was the disrupted energy center holding the…

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Being Needy

As a Scalar Heart Connection practitioner, I find myself hesitating when the emotion “Needy” comes up in a session. The client who comes to you with a problem is not generally in the mood to hear they are “just being needy.” Alice O. Howell, in her book “Jungian Symbolism in Astrology,” shares the story of Thetis, the mother of Achilles, and how in her effort to make her son invincible dipped him in the river Styx. To do this, she…

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image by Avi Richards

Staying Connected to the Divine

At the end of a Healing Circle, the group asked to do a session about being connected to the Divine. They wanted to always remain connected. The discussion about this led to an idea that perhaps we wouldn’t be here if we were always connected. Being in constant connection to the Divine is a singularity of consciousness. Some believe that our goal in life is to achieve that singularity and consequently our life experiences help us to remember the Divine.…

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Positive Communication

Amelia wanted a Scalar Heart Connection session because she was having a conflict with her oldest son. Amelia’s heart showed her that the conflict was coming from an issue in the Crown Chakra. The archetypal Quantum Healing Code pattern for the Crown Chakra is about unresolved feelings stemming from the past that can turn to anger and rage. When this happens, we may blame others, become greedy, or seek power and control. The need to control others or situations can…

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Sleep Issues Coming from a Past Life

Olivia wanted a Scalar Heart Connection session because she had not been able to sleep for more than an hour or so at night, a maximum of three hours, since she was eight-years-old. Olivia’s heart directed her to the Throat Chakra, which is the center for sleep. Her heart also told her that her negative mind-brain belief was that her creativity and self-expression was blocked. Her heart wanted her to move into a more positive belief about deeply appreciating and…

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What is Collective Consciousness and How is it Utilized in Scalar Heart Connection

The concept of the collective consciousness is important in the process of Scalar Heart Connection as our individual growth may conflict with the norms and expectations of our group. Our attempt to go beyond the group can cause a sense of disconnection, leading to fear, anxiety, and/or isolation. Sociologist Emile Durkheim developed the concept of collective consciousness to explain how unique individuals are bound together into social groups and societies through shared beliefs, attitudes, knowledge, and traditions.[1] Durkheim referred to…

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