
Carl Jung and Scalar Heart Connection

By Stephen Linsteadt Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside awakens. ~ C.G. Jung[1] Carl G. Jung referred to the higher intelligence of Universal Consciousness when he asked us to “consider synchronistic phenomena, premonitions, and dreams that come true.”[2]  He explained that Infinite Intelligence has other ways “of informing us of things which by all logic we could not possibly know.”[3] Jung further described synchronicity as the phenomenon…

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At the Heart of Being Connected

A Sufi poem says the human heart is the spiritual organ or the interface between the body and the ‘other world.’[1] The poem says it is through the special faculty of the heart that we may come to know hidden secrets.[2] The poem further explains when body and spirit strike together like flint and steel, light is created, illuminating the two worlds. Scientists prefer other terms instead of ‘spiritual’ or ‘other world.’ Almost seven-hundred years after the Sufi poem, scientists…

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The Heart of the Method

An excerpt from the book: “Scalar Heart Connection“, by Stephen Linsteadt The heart is connected to the field of nonlocal consciousness. Nonlocal consciousness is the subtle level of our consciousness. Our real consciousness is behind the ego at the level of Cosmic Consciousness. This consciousness is who we really are. Therefore, the heart is aware of the subconscious material patterned in our brain circuitry from old beliefs arising from earlier experiences, traumas, and societal conditioning. These patterns often cause us…

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Earthbeat, the Movie!

“Earthbeat” is based on the concepts of Scalar Heart Connection® and the story written by Stephen Linsteadt. Award winning screenplay writer, Deborah Amelon (“Exit to Eden” and “Chicken Soup for the Soul”), follows the story of a scientist who discovers an interconnectedness between all living things and the pulse of the planet; a heartbeat that is dying due to our environmental abuse. “We’re leaving the future behind and heading into the past.” Contact us to get involved with this globally…

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A Chance Meeting with Alberto Santos-Dumont

In October, my wife, Maria Elena, and I attended the Bert Hellinger Sciences annual conference of Family Constellation in Germany along with Simone Arrojo, a family constellation trainer. After the conference, on the 20th, we left for Brazil, where we were scheduled to teach a workshop on Scalar Heart Connection together with Simone, who teaches how Family Constellation can be integrated into Scalar Heart Connection. Our flight out of Frankfurt took what felt like forever to taxi to the take-off…

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What is Metatron’s Cube

Metatron’s cube is a symbol and a tool for personal transformation. The geometry of Metatron’s Cube is the twin-tetrahedron, from which all of the Platonic solids can be derived: Plato linked these shapes to the elements from which he believed all of creation is formed. These three-dimensional forms appear in almost everything from crystals, plants, flowers, and human DNA. Little is known about the origin of the name Metatron. The most prevalent thinking places Metatron as the Prince (or Angel)…

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Healing Circle with Scalar Heart Connection and Family Constellations

[First published in Seattle Awakenings] Author and speaker Stephen Linsteadt has announced a weekend Healing Circle in Seattle August 27-28, 2016. The Healing Circle will introduce Scalar Heart Connection as a powerful healing modality in conjunction with Family Constellations. According to Linsteadt, our negative mind-brain conditioning is often deeply rooted in ancestral patterns stemming from unresolved issues, traumas, and beliefs from our parent’s parents. If you believe in reincarnation, you can also look at this as resonant memory patterns carried…

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The Heart of the Hero

The Heart of the Hero, by Stephen Linsteadt, shows readers how to ask their heart for guidance during periods of emotional unrest and uncertainty. It is based on sacred geometry and the heart’s connection to number as the pervasive language of the heart. In addition to being a practical self-help tool, this book examines the universal and archetypal nature of our troubles and places them within geometric patterns so readers can better understand the evolutionary motivations of such challenges. at…

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The Quantum Healing Codes and the Zodiac

The relationship between the Quantum Healing Codes and the Houses of the Zodiac pose an interesting question because there are twelve houses in the Zodiac and only six codes. The mystery is solved when we look at how the codes correspond to both the chakras and the zodiac houses. For those unfamiliar with the Quantum Healing Codes, their notes 396cps, 417cps, 528cps, 639cps, 741cps, and 852cps were first described in the book Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse by Leonard…

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The Joy of Healing

It was an honor to have been invited to participate in the 19th Healing Beyond Borders’ Annual Energy Healing Conference in Naples, Florida. The theme of the conference was “The Joy of Healing.” The conference was attended by hundreds of inspiring Healing Touch professionals from around the world. We conducted a workshop on Scalar Heart Connection that taught participants how to use the Ask Your Heart session. We were deeply moved by all of the presenters and greatly enjoyed the…

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