Stephen Linsteadt

Love Dissolves Fear and Worry

First published in Sivana East Fear, worry, guilt, shame, and low-self esteem are all learned behaviors. They are emotions born from acquired and negative/incorrect thought patterns. Our beliefs arise from the ways our ancestors responded to the challenges of their time. Our parents reinforce those patterns as do our teachers, friends, and culture. What we should be asking ourselves is who are we when we strip away those negative beliefs. Who am I when I am not busy trying to…

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Changing Ancestral Faint-heartedness

After doing the Ask Your Heart App several times and repeatedly being told by her heart that she was ‘faint-hearted,’ Lena decided it was time to do the longer version to get to the bottom of her faint-heartedness. She was experiencing tightness and pain around her heart and was becoming anxious to find a solution. Lena lost her father nine months ago to a heart attack. Her grandmother died a few months later. She felt heaviness in her heart but…

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Honoring Father Through Illness

Marissa was having a flareup of vertigo. Her vertigo started many years ago when she was under a lot of job stress. Days before she started feeling dizzy, fatigued, with bouts of vomiting and diarrhea. She wanted to ask her heart what was behind her illness. Marissa’s heart told her the Issue was related to the Root Chakra. The Root Chakra comes up when we are preoccupied with fear and concern for our survival.  It is also about family and…

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When Daughters are Held Back by Their Mothers

Denise was in the process of organizing a large and important event and wanted to attract an overwhelming attendance. She wanted the marketing and promotion process to be easy, fun, and successful. She wanted a Scalar Heart Connection session to find out from her heart what was holding her back. Denise’s heart showed her that her problem was coming from disharmony in her Brow Chakra. Specifically from the Emotion of feeling “faint-hearted.” Her heart showed her that her faint-heartedness was coming from her mind’s…

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Carl Jung and Scalar Heart Connection

By Stephen Linsteadt Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside awakens. ~ C.G. Jung[1] Carl G. Jung referred to the higher intelligence of Universal Consciousness when he asked us to “consider synchronistic phenomena, premonitions, and dreams that come true.”[2]  He explained that Infinite Intelligence has other ways “of informing us of things which by all logic we could not possibly know.”[3] Jung further described synchronicity as the phenomenon…

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