
Using PhytoEssencing Chakra Essential Oil Blends

One of the Positive Actions of the Scalar Heart Connection method is Spiritual PhytoEssencing Chakra Essential Oil Blends. These chakra-specific essential oils are formulated by Dr. Bruce Berkowsky, Founder of Spiritual PhytoEssencing and the Natural Health Science System. Essential Oils oils are particularly well-suited to chakra therapy because, as Rudolf Steiner noted: “Matter is most spiritual in the perfume of the plant.” Dr. Berkowsky explains that “fragrance formation represents an interaction between terrestrial and cosmic forces and is used by…

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Quantum Healing Codes – Solfeggio Frequencies for Positive Change

Quantum Healing Codes™ are based on the idea that there exists a predictable geometric pattern behind all matter. From this pattern all else can be created. These codes support greater coherence within the resonance of what we want to create in our life.   The book explains how the codes are related to the chakras and how each chakra holds an emotional aspect that may not be in harmony with our mind-brain response to a particular issue. Listening to a…

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Connecting to Our Highest Potential

Most of our discomfort in life comes from our perspective. How we see the world determines how we interact with it. At the most instinctive level, we respond to life through the survival mode of eating, clothing, and keeping a roof over our head. Then there is the biological urge to procreate, followed by our will to master our environment. In the Indian chakra system, these aspects of our base animal natures are represented by the lower three centers located…

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Connecting to the Love-Buffer

The more we tune our heart to the harmony of the Universe, the more we can open our heart wide enough to accommodate all of life’s experiences more fully. The challenge is to recognize the intuition coming from the heart from the reaction coming from the mind and its societal conditioning. It requires that we listen less to the chatter of our own mind and its fears and negative conditioning. It takes practice, like everything else in which we want…

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Heart-Consciousness, the Instrument of Change

How we treat the planet and other people is a reflection of how we treat ourselves. According to the principle of resonance, like attracts like. Our thoughts and emotions are vibrations and therefore our mental and emotional state creates a resonance pattern that attracts what is similar. Consequently, if our external conditions are less than ideal, it is possible that they are reflecting the nature of our inner state. The implication is that our current environmental crises as well as…

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Re-Connecting to What Our Heart Knows

A Sufi poem written in 1317 says the human heart is the spiritual organ or the interface between the body and the ‘other world.'[1] The poem says it is through the special faculty of the heart that we may come to know hidden secrets.[2] The poem further explains when body and spirit strike together like flint and steel, light is created, illuminating the two worlds.  Our life’s experiences are like flint and steel, striking together in the form of our…

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