
The Power of Love

A new global community is rising—a community of heartful people that go into action to help those in need. It is the Permaculture principle of ‘peoplecare.’ We just witnessed people in Europe coming to the aid of refugees making their way to safe havens. This is the power of the heart and the Power of Love in action. We know about the power of love from mythology and the Hollywood versions of two hearts beating as one. In these stories,…

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The Heart ‘Knows’ the Future

The heart has an extraordinary ability to ‘know.’ Experiments by Dean Radin, for example, demonstrate the heart’s ability to cause physiological changes before a significant event occurs, similar to the instinct of animals to take protective measures before an earthquake or a tsunami. If the heart knows an important event is about to happen before it actually happens, then our concept of time and space must be reconsidered. It suggests that we live in a holographic universe, as physicist David…

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When the Process Doesn’t Make Sense at First

At a public talk about Scalar Heart Connection, Connie volunteered to be the subject of a demonstration of the process. The shorter online version was used to simplify the process and to save time.  Connie wanted to ask her heart about the chronic pain she was having in her lower back.  Connie’s heart directed her to the Crown Chakra as the emotional center holding the Issue of discomfort in the lower back. The specific Emotion behind the disharmonious resonance in…

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The Sun is Singing to Our Hearts

“The Sun is playing a secret melody, hidden inside itself, that produces a widespread throbbing motion of its surface. The sounds are coursing through the Sun’s interior, causing the entire globe, or parts of it, to move in and out, slowly and rhythmically like the regular rise and fall of tides in a bay or of a beating heart.”~ Kenneth R. Lang [1] The sun is quietly singing. It’s boiling and throbbing gases create sound waves that resonate like a…

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Matching Our Heartbeat to the Beat of the Universe

The goal of life is to make our heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match our nature with Nature. ~ Joseph Campbell  As children, we may have experienced being in harmony with Nature, our innate creative rhythm, and with the heartbeat of those around us. In this state, we are joyful, playful, creative, and an inspiration to others. We are free and happy because we know our parents are taking care of us and we are protected from…

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The Heart of Synchronicity is in the Bag

If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9,then you would have the key to the universe. ~ Nikola Tesla Heart-consciousness is a field from which synchronicity makes itself known. Synchronicity sometimes taps us on the shoulder to make sure we are paying attention to the magic. The magic is like a spell or an invisible ‘attractor’ that causes events to play out purposefully as though each moment evolves toward a predestined result. In chaos theory, the…

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Ask Your Heart App

  We are excited to announce the launching of the app Ask Your Heart! This is the same version of the session you can do online at The App version allows you to do a session while on the go. You can watch the app in process in the video below:   The app is available at iTunes and Google Play.  Enjoy the wisdom of your heart!

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The Synchronicity of Number

Archetypes call us to adventure; they put us in harm’s way, provide guidance, and save us from danger in the nick of time. Archetypes communicate to use in the language of symbols, dreams, numbers, and synchronistic events. Their ultimate mission is to lead us back to ourselves; not to our limited ‘thinking’ self, but to our higher, more aware, awakened Self.  When an archetype places a challenge in our life’s path, we don’t need to wait for a bird to…

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Being Heartful

To be heartful is to open our heart wide enough to embrace all that we love about ourselves along with all our mistakes, regrets, and perceived shortcomings. To be heartful is to realize that all our experiences, good and bad, are woven into the tapestry that makes us unique. Rumi said that if he were to pay homage to everything that helped deliver him into God’s arms there would not be one experience, thought, feeling, or act that he would…

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