At the end of a recent workshop in Maui, we did a Scalar Heart Connection session for the Earth.
The group consensus was to do the session around the Issue of the Earth’s resilience and sustainability, particularly around her relationship with humans.
We let our heart’s guide us in determining who in the room would be the one to choose a number as proxy for Earth. The first number chosen was related to the Heart Chakra and the Emotion: “Selfish.â€
The next step in the process is to ask our heart to show us a number related to our Negative Mind-brain Conditioned Response or belief surrounding the unresolved emotion of ‘selfish.’ One of the participants chose the number related to the statement: “I am unlovable.â€
The group was overcome with the feeling of sadness with the thought that the Earth felt unlovable. The emotion of ‘selfish’ started to feel like it was directed towards us humans.
Another participant then asked their heart, on behalf of the Earth, to show them a number related to the Positive Heart Response to the Issue. They chose a number related to the statement: “My heart is wide open to give and receive love easily.†This felt like the natural state of the Earth and filled us with remorse.
The Heart Chakra is related to the Lung meridian. One of the participants asked their heart to show them a number related to the Positive Lung Meridian statement. The number they chose was related to the statement: “I am worthy of living.â€
The next step in the process is to determine the Level upon which the Issue is held. The number that one of the participants chose is related to the Mental level. The Level statement that came up was: “Self-esteem.â€
Someone in the group made the comment that our behavior toward Earth made her feel that we are impartial to her existence; that we are only concerned with what we can take from her as opposed to being in relationship with her.
We then needed to know if there was an earlier experience of trauma involved that set this energetic pattern into motion. One of the participant’s heart was shown the number related to Genetic/Ancestral. Another participant asked their heart to show them a number that would identify the particular individual in the family tree that first had this issue. The number their heart showed them identified the person as ‘Mom.’
In Greek mythology, Gaia is one of the primordial deities born of Chaos (Void). As the primal Mother Goddess, she is the creator and giver of birth to the Earth and the entire Universe. In myth, Gaia was not without family conflict. She rebelled against her husband Uranus (Sky) for imprisoning her sons in her womb. Later, she was in conflict with her son Kronos, who defied her by imprisoning these same sons. She also came into conflict with her son Zeus when he imprisoned her Titan sons in the pit of Tartaros. So it seems that family conflict, particularly with the patriarchal energies of control and exploitation, is prominent in Earth’s family tree.
The session then took us to the Unmet Heart Need, which is the frequency of the positive resonance that was displaced by the vibration of the emotion ‘Selfish.’ One of the participants asked their heart, in proxy for the Earth, to show them a number related to what the Earth’s heart wanted but didn’t receive. The number chosen was related to the statement: “Devotion.â€
The group realized from the session that the Earth feels sad and unloved and consequently developed a lack of self-esteem as a result of our (human) actions that are not in line with respecting Her nor do we show any sense of devotion to Her.
On behalf of the Earth, we created the Positive Statement: “We are devoted to the Earth and to the energies of the Archetypal Feminine within.â€
We next needed to know if there was an unconscious Mind-brain Resistance lurking in the background waiting to sabotage our beautiful Positive Statement. One of the participants asked their heart to show them a number related to the statement we needed. They chose the number related to: “If I change, others will die.â€
To help shift the limiting vibration, we received the number related to the Quantum Healing Code #417 and #528, which is a musical chord that combines the Water Chakra (#417) with the Heart Chakra (#528). This is a musical or sound connection between the womb and the heart — the womb of Earth and the hearts of her children (us).
To fully integrate the positive resonance of devotion to the Earth and the Archetypal Feminine, the session led us to express an appreciation . . .
Article by Stephen Linsteadt