
Click on below links for details

The Heart of Hero Workshop

You will gain insight into your life as a personal Hero’s Journey and the archetypal patterns that move you to growth and personal transformation. Participants are provided with their Astrology Map, based on Vedic or sidereal astrology. This map will give insight into the house where the Hero (you) is stuck, where you need to go, and the life lessons provided in the process. You will get deeper knowledge about the Chakras as a Spiritual Journey, the Zodiac Houses, the Enneagram, the archetypes of Numbers, and Sacred Geometry, which all come together in the heart-matrix of Scalar Heart Connection. Experience an easy to use method of how to walk the Heart of the Hero Journey. No previous requirements are required to take this workshop. People will need to provide name, date, hour, and place of birth at least three days before the workshop..
Scalar Heart Connection Training

This workshop is designed to teach people how to use the process of Scalar Heart Connection for themselves, clients, and loved ones. It provides a deeper understanding into how the heart is connected to the infinite Field of Knowing and how our ancestor’s experiences affect our behavior and limiting beliefs that interfere with relationships, career, and life purpose. Discover the Quantum Healing Codes as vibrations to align us with our positive intentions. Learn and gain full access to the practitioner version of the Scalar Heart Connection process and be a pro with the Ask Your Heart APP. It is suggested to have taken Module 1 as a prerequisite, but it’s not a strict requirement. Recommended reading: Quantum Healing Codes (English & Portuguese) by Stephen Linsteadt Scalar Heart Connection (English & Portuguese) by Stephen Linsteadt The Heart of the Hero (English) by Stephen Linsteadt Download and get familiar with the APP Ask Your Heart (English) Pregunte a su Coracao (Portuguese) (Chinese) (Espanol) (German).
Physical Health Workshop

Mental and physical health is rooted in unresolved traumas of the past. Many of these traumas and conflicts are ancestral. These unresolved issues block and disrupt our energy centers, known as Chakras, and then manifest as illness when not fully integrated. This workshop will examine the root cause of the illnesses and accidents we attract and their messages to us. It is suggested to have taken Module 1 and Module 2, but it is not a strict prerequisite. Recommended reading:

Recommended Meditation Healing CD


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