
The Heart of Alchemy

The transformative art of alchemy, which sought to purify base metals into gold, has many similarities to the Scalar Heart Connection process. For example, Scalar Heart Connection provides tools for us to separate (separacio) those parts of ourselves that are afraid, anxious, depressed, etc. so we can shine the light of understanding and self-compassion on those subconscious traits, and thereby distill (purify) any negative thoughts and behaviors that hold us in limitation. Through the positive guidance from our heart, we…

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The Peacock’s Tail

The alchemical Peacock’s Tail arises from the blackened material of the five stages of the nigredo. The nigredo, or blackening stage, works on our fears and insecurities. It forces us to become more introspective about our personality and desires — the parts of us that feel lacking or undeserving. For the spiritual alchemists, the blackening was the meditator’s initial encounter with the dark inner world as consciousness leaves the physical body and the senses. This was often symbolized by the…

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