Quantum Healing Codes (e-book)
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Quantum Healing Codes (e-book) – by Stephen Linsteadt
This book explores the chakra geometry created by the series of notes 396cps, 417cps, 528cps, 639cps, 741cps, 852cps as reported in "Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse" by L. Horowitz as the missing Solfeggio scale that vibrates at the exact frequencies required to transform spirit to matter or matter to spirit.
The book describes how the codes are related to the chakras and how each chakra holds an emotional aspect that may not be in harmony with our mind-brain response to a particular issue. Listening to a code is one way to help us re-balance ourselves from an emotional upset and align with our heart's intuition.
An easy to follow table is included as a reference guide for how to use the codes based on one's personal intention.
Quantum Healing Codes are based on the idea that there exists a predictable geometric pattern behind all matter. From this pattern all else can be created. These codes support greater coherence within the resonance of what we want to create in our life.
The Quantum Healing Codes AUDIO are not included with the book. They can be downloaded at this link.
Quantum Healing Codes (softback on Amazon.com)
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"I want to tell you how much I appreciate the work you put into creating the Quantum Healing Codes. The more I use them the more I understand the power of this modality and the many effective ways to use these sounds. You did a very solid job with the booklet that accompanies the CD. The more I understand the use of the 'codes' and experience their effects within the sessions, the more I am able to effectively teach others their value and how to use these with skill and understanding. I use the QHCs a lot in my sessions in the South Bronx. The effort you put into creating these for all of us is very much appreciated and will in time be significant in helping many many people. The power of these sounds will become known and understood and used more and more within our HR sessions, I'm sure! Continue to share your gifts with us! I've been wanting to write for a long time to thank you for these and for your articles which has helped to make the Journal a much more substantial publication. Be well"
~ Michelle
"I need to tell you that José, the bedwetting one, has gone nearly 2 weeks without wetting his bed since a session with quantum healing codes # 5 and a strict intake of usanimals. Thank you a lot for the advice. Hope he continues that way, he is also happier, I'm really grateful with all what I learned that weekend. I'm looking forward to take the workshop."
~ Adriana
"A practitioner played one of the tracks from the Quantum Healing Codes for me and little by little I could feel it vibrating each one of the cells of my body. This effect was intense in my brain. For 5 or 10 minutes my mind was immersed in an ocean of welfare and of calm; I was firm in the center of my same, conscious one of all my life, I was capable of understanding it all. When it finished the session, the therapist asked us to each one on the experience. I said that never have I felt like this, without the fear and the anxiety that had dominated me for a long time. During the following months the experience continued echoing in my head, as if I were still there, seated and listening to the quantum healing codes. Something very subtle and powerful caused felt me to feel strong and competent without even a gram of fear. I felt deeply optimistic and with an unknown harmony, as if I were surrounded and floating in an energy that emanated from within myself."
~ Enrique Lozano
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