
Ask Your Heart - 365 Messages from Your Heart (eBook DOWNLOAD)

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Available as a paperback ONLY on Amazon. Click here to Purhase.

  • The ASK YOUR HEART book is intended to serve you like a personal guide, a road map to stay in tune with heart-consciousness, while on your own hero’s journey, by providing messages from your heart when you need them most or as simple reminders that you are not alone when the hour seems darkest.
  • This book can help one to transform through heart lessons.
  • There are many ways to use the ASK YOUR HEART book. You can simply start at the beginning and read to the end. You can also read one message each day based on the calendar dates. Or, like an oracle, you can present a question or problem to your heart and "feel" what page to turn to for guidance.
  • Perfect giftbook for adults or teens, with quotes to encourage heart connection, love, and awareness of Self and others.
  • ASK YOUR HEART book can encourage family conversations at the dinner table, read a message before you go to sleep or in the morning before starting your day, it prompts you to question yourself and your life, and shows how the Heart can guide you through a much more authentic and loving path.
  • Once you go through all 365 Messages from ASK YOUR HEART book, you will never see yourself and others the same as before you read these quotes. You will start seeing everything through the eyes of the Heart. Have a loving journey!
  • As a present for someone, this ASK YOUR HEART book with quotes will encourage them with a stronger heart connection, love, and awareness of Self and others.
  • Heart Message example `Learn to express your needs openly without fear of rejection. There is always a big heart wanting to listen and help. It is time to create your life based on your real needs and in ways that are appropriate for you even if it means getting out of your comfort zone.
  • Stephen Linsteadt is the author of many books related to the heart and its connection to the quantum field. He is also the developer and founder of Scalar Heart Connection, a transformational tool used by therapist and healing practitioners around the world, as well as an App know as Ask Your Heart. Please visit his author page.

    What others say about ASK YOUR HEART messages:

    "The most incredible thing is that the messages come exactly matching to what I am feeling." ~ Leuzi Soares, Sao Paulo, Brazil

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Ask Your Heart - 365 Messages from Your Heart (eBook DOWNLOAD)



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